Upholding Respect, Dignity
and Honor for Our Patients.
After 21 years of working for academic health systems, Nationwide Perfusion Care Services was formed to provide quality perfusion care for patients in the state of Nevada. Our company is rooted in the simple philosophy, that our patients come first. Utilizing evidence-based literature, we incorporate best perfusion practices. Our team of perfusionists are personally selected, mentored and establish the foundation of Nationwide Perfusion Care Services. Nationwide Perfusion Care Services was established in 2018 and launched in 2020 with our first client located in Las Vegas. The executive managing partners provide over 40 years of clinical experience. They have entered the cardiovascular market with “The in Vegas for Vegas” mentality.
Get in Touch
We at Nationwide Perfusion Care Services know that finding the best and qualified perfusionists in the Las Vegas region is a major decision. Therefore, we are accepting calls and meetings pertaining to perfusion care services. Additionally, we offer services pertaining to fiscal responsibilities for clients and their programs to boost revenue. Consultation services for institutions are also available upon request.